If this essay helps you learn something or think about marketing and inclusivity differently, please consider sending a tip. I love writing about doing marketing differently, but spending my energy this way has real repercussions for my health and business.
I'm starting to read Algorithms of Oppression (affiliate link) and really thinking about how so much default search engine usage upholds oppression...and how work in SEO plays into that.
What can I do as a searcher to dismantle this (I'm pretty sure I'll figure this out as I get further into the book)?
More importantly, what can I do as a content marketer to be aware of bias in SEO?
I'm already thinking that I should be more mindful of what I'm backlinking to, and to link out to other marginalized identities where possible to give them a "vote" in the algorithm, instead of like another link for Backlinko or something.